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The ISEH have teamed up with and are working very closely with UCL’s Physical Activity Research Group (PARG) led by Dr Barbara Jefferis.

In response to growing interest in the field of physical activity epidemiology at UCL, PARG was established in December 2010 in the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, and is part of the Population Health Domain.

The key aim of PARG is to act as a platform to promote multi-disciplinary collaborations and enhance the presence of UCL in several strategic areas, including (but not limited to):

  • Physical activity interventions (individual and population-level)
  • Active transportation
  • Healthy ageing and physical activity
  • Built environment influences on physical activity
  • Sedentary behaviour
  • Physical activity and physical and mental health
  • Measurement of physical activity
  • Exercise Medicine
  • Cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Climate change and physical activity
  • Development of physical activity habits in early life
  • Active lifestyles and positive wellbeing

PARG acts as a bridge between diverse research groups and disciplines at UCL and beyond to stimulate high quality research. Its vision is that UCL will become a world leader in physical activity-related research

One of the projects that the ISEH and PARG have worked together on was the monitoring and evaluation of the Camden Active Spaces Project.

PARG also hosts monthly lunchtime seminars (term-times only) jointly with ISEH which are open to the public. See upcoming events.

For further information about PARG please contact: Barbara Jefferis

Follow PARG on twitter @PARG3