ISEH Helps Commuter Get Back On His Bike

Communications consultant Matthew regularly cycles to work in the West End from his home in West London. “I’m lucky that I can use the canal towpath for part of the journey”, he said. It keeps me fit and definitely beats sitting on the tube.”

So when he suffered an Achilles tendon injury recently, Matthew was concerned that it wouldn’t keep him off his bike for too long. “As a fairly healthy but definitely middle-aged man I know I should try and exercise regularly, so it was a bit of a concern to develop a pain in my heel. I wasn’t able to ride the bike – even walking was difficult”, he said.


A visit to the ISEH put his mind at rest. “The portable ultrasound equipment was impressive. Dr Parmar was able to provide an instant diagnosis, and he reassured me that nothing major was wrong. He also said that, while it was best to avoid running while the heel was recovering, it was fine to cycle – which was really useful advice, and helped keep me exercising while getting back to full fitness.”

Three months on Matthew is regularly cycling 50 miles a week. “I’ve never felt better”, he said, “the visit to the ISEH definitely helped.”