3T MR Imaging

Our powerful 3 Tesla (3T) scanner operates up to be four times faster and offers image definition that is twice as high as a 1.5T scanner. This allows us to reduce the amount of time the patient is in the scanner, thus maximising client comfort and convenience without compromising image quality.

The high resolution of 3T imaging can make a huge difference in determining the course of management for each patient. This is because 3T can identify some subtle abnormalities which 1.5T would not be able to do.

In a clinical environment 3T MRI has become the gold standard for high-definition orthopaedic imaging. At ISEH, our expert radiology team have maximised MRI parameters to produce superbly detailed images of the spine, shoulders, pelvis, hips and extremities. 

Our 3T has a larger bore and is therefore ideal for larger or claustrophobic patients.