Instant Referral a Big Plus for Runner

Haroon Mota is a keen amateur runner, footballer and hillwalker. Add to that his job as an Activity Coordinator at UCLH and his weekend sports-based youth work and you have someone who takes health and fitness seriously!

After injuring his ankle playing football in June, Haroon was referred to the ISEH for an opinion and advice, under consultant Mr Aria Ghassemi. “The referral was almost immediate”, he says, “it was very reassuring to be seen so quickly, and the facilities there are five-star.” The specialist expertise of the staff was also a factor, says Haroon. “It’s helpful knowing you’re being seen by a specialist, someone with experience of treating top sportspeople”.

Haroon’s ankle is now well on the mend. Indeed he has recently completed another big sporting challenge: a series of half-marathons in aid of charity.