Sports Respiratory Clinic

Respiratory or breathing issues during exercise or sport are a real problem for many people. Symptoms such as cough, wheeze and breathlessness can seriously limit both the enjoyment and performance of sport and lead to people avoiding exercise completely. Individuals are usually told their problems are simply explained by ‘asthma’ or that they are exercising ‘too much’. This isn’t helpful and doesn’t address the problem.


The Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health (ISEH) Sports Respiratory Clinic combines world-leading expertise in the field of sports respiratory medicine with the most advanced diagnostics testing and therapies, to help diagnose and treat any respiratory issue that is causing problems during exercise. We resolve respiratory problems that include:

  • Breathlessness on exercise +/- wheezy or noisy breathing
  • Exercise-associated cough
  • Throat tightness / throat irritation during exercise
  • Recurrent respiratory tract infections, limiting ability to train or compete
  • Asthma and exercise-induced asthma
  • Atypical chest pain during sport
  • Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction
  • Allergies
  • Nasal and Hay fever related respiratory problems in athletes

We then work with a multi-disciplinary team of breathing and upper airway experts to provide clients with a bespoke and personalised treatment plan, including self-instruction videos and online resources.

Chief Medical officers at professional sports organisations: our Post Viral Pre-Participation Questionnaire is a freely available resource to be completed by athletes’ following a recent viral infection to allow their clinician to evaluate whether a return to sports activities can resume.


The team led by Professor James Hull has a broad range of expertise, based on their experience of helping Olympic level and professional athletes to perform at the very top level, but also helping people struggling with symptoms limiting everyday activity who wish to do more on a daily basis.

We can conduct remote or virtual consultations as well as in person. To book an appointment or to enquire about the ISEH Mobile Respiratory Service please contact:

Tel: +44 (0)20 3447 2800