New consensus statement for management of concussion in sport

The Institute of Sport Exercise and Health (ISEH) and UCLH’s Professor Mike Loosemore MBE and Dr Michael Turner, were part of a dedicated group of concussion experts who helped establish consensus surrounding concussion in sport, resulting in a comprehensive update of 10 systematic reviews and methodology outlining the new consensus process looking at the state of the science and updated guidance related to this. This has been published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Based on the outcomes from the International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Amsterdam in October 2022, the resulting statement involved more than 100 expert researchers and clinicians from around the world and represents consensus on the current understanding of concussions in sports. 

This statement considers the latest research findings and advancements in the field. It also incorporates novel aspects that were not present in previous versions of the statement, reflecting the progress made in understanding concussions and their management – with the purpose being to optimise the care of athletes at all levels of participation who have, or who are at risk of, concussion.

One of the primary objectives of the conference was to identify research priorities in the field of sports-related concussions. By doing so, it aimed to guide future research efforts, ensuring that scientific inquiries are directed towards areas that require further investigation and development.
ISEH Concussion specialists Professor Mike Loosemore MBE and Dr Michael Turner were heavily involved in the development of this consensus statement, as they dedicated a vast time over a 2- year period to review findings in the systematic reviews. 

Professor Mike Loosemore MBE, ensured guidance for the SCOAT 6 and SCOAT 6 Child was accurate and aligned to the latest research findings. The SCOAT 6 is designed as an office tool to be used to help diagnose concussion after the first 72 hours. The tools have been researched and are valid for up to a month from the original concussion. 

Dr Michael Turner was tasked with reviewing two of the systematic reviews and was also a Co-author of the last 3 Consensus statements (Zurich, Berlin, Amsterdam).

The Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport includes:
•    New and updated age-appropriate tools to aid identification and management of condition
•    New versions of return to active sport and education strategies
•    Stronger evidence for benefits of light intensity exercise within first 48 hours to aid recover
•    New targeted approach to rehabilitation
•    Call for interdisciplinary working group to guide research into potential long-term effects

This new statement provides clinicians and sports organisations with the appropriate tools to help them better identify and manage sports related concussion in the short and longer term and ultimately, improve athlete care at all levels of sports participation.

Read the new published Consensus