IOC consensus statement on acute respiratory illness in athletes part 2

Consultant Respiratory Physician at The Institute of Sport, Exercise & Health, Professor James Hull, worked together with fellow leading physicians from around the world to produce the second guideline, part II of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on acute respiratory illness in athletes; a clinical guideline on the management of non-infective acute respiratory illness in athletes. 
This was an international collaboration to provide consensus guidance to help clinicians assessing respiratory problems in athletes. The aim was to provide a pragmatic and focussed document that is easy to use and helps ensure athletes get the best care.  
The IOC commissioned this piece of work due to recognising the importance of respiratory illness in athletes; it is the number one cause of time loss from sporting participation. In addition, respiratory conditions such as asthma are the most common chronic medical condition encountered in athletes.    

The detailed statements developed by the physicians from Part I and II of the IOC guideline will present important recommendations to help athletes with infective and non-infective respiratory illnesses. Flow charts and figures help guide clinicians when assessing an athlete with respiratory issues. There is new guidance on the use of investigations in addition to advice when returning to sport is presented.  
Professor James Hull said: “It has been a pleasure to be involved and represent the ISEH in this important international guideline, that we hope will improve the overall respiratory care of athletes, across the world.”
Read the published guidelines in British Journal of Sports Medicine.