Mikel Perry

Mikel Perry

Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health MSc

Professional Biography

Mikel Perry is a strength and conditioning coach currently working with a group of sprinters at West London Track and Field and is undertaking the UCL Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health MSc which is based at and runs in collaboration with the ISEH

Mikel said “I decided I wanted to study sports medicine because I felt my knowledge was lacking when it came to dealing with injured athletes, and having looked through the various options available to me, the Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health MSc syllabus looked the most interesting and relevant. UCL has one of the only sports medicine MSc courses that accepts students from a sports sciences background as well as the more traditional entry routes (medicine and physio), and I think it works really well because we all have very different types of expertise and can help each other out in a true MDT type fashion.”

“One of the best things about the course is that you get exposure to some brilliant people, not only the lecturers that teach on the course, but also the guest lecturers, and just as importantly, the other students on the course. One of the elements of the course that I originally ignored was the fact that you have to carry out a certain amount of placements during the MSc, and these have to be spread out across a number of different disciplines. This has given me a chance to spend time in clinic with doctors, physios and surgeons, whom I would never have had access to otherwise and this has helped me to see how the theory we learn is put into practise in the real world.”

“Through the ISEH and the MSc, I am doing my research project with Basketball England, looking into injury prevalence in their elite youth players. This should be interesting, as this age group hasn’t been looked at previously in the UK, so we want to find out whether the performance pathway for young players over here is working as well as it should be and see if there are any tweaks that can be made to better serve these young players.”