Joff Lacey

Areas of involvement at ISEH:

Joff Lacey


Research Fellow, Discovery Lab

Professional Biography

Joff (Jonathan) Lacey is a registrar in anaesthesia, currently undertaking a research/innovation fellowship with the Discovery Lab at the ISEH.

Having completed his medical degree at the University of Nottingham, Joff has spent most of his career in London, but has also enjoyed several years working overseas including Australia and South Africa.

During his anaesthetics training Joff has been able to pursue his interest in extreme physiology, is a member of CASE (Centre for Altitude Space and Extreme Environment medicine) and was part of the ‘Xtreme Everest 2’ research group.

His current work is looking into to perioperative dehydration, novel fluid infusion technologies and non-invasive cardiac output monitoring.

As part of his fellowship he is completing an MSc in perioperative medicine at UCL.