Emily Ross

Emily Ross

Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health MSc

Professional Biography

Emily Ross is currently a 27 year old Specialist MSK Physiotherapist. She graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from St. George’s, University of London in 2010. In 2013 she ventured north of the river to further develop my understanding through an MSc in Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health at UCL.

Emily said “it was amazing to be in the first cohort taught in the fantastic ISEH facility. Combining part-time study with working across an SEM Clinic, Professional Rugby Union and Acrobatic gymnastics required perseverance; I am proud to share with you that I completed my MSc in September 2015.

ISEH MSc tutors were excellent throughout the course in highlighting seminars and course opportunities to further develop our knowledge in Sports Medicine. Whilst you may expect I’d be grateful for more free time, as a result of completing my Masters, I wanted to continue my momentum of learning. I was delighted to be invited to present my MSc research at the British Association of Sports and Exercise Medicine’s Annual Conference, Cardiff November 2015.

My MSc Research Project analysed the effect a neuromuscular training intervention had on the neuromuscular control of Young Female Acrobatic Gymnasts. A within-subject design centred on 54 female gymnasts aged 7-18 years and used an achieved power sample calculation allowing conclusions to be drawn. The primary measures showed a significant improvement in the gymnast’s neuromuscular control, across all ages, following the 8 week intervention. Secondary measures also showed subjective improvements in the gymnast’s self-esteem, physical sporting ability and strength.

I really enjoyed presenting at BASEM and I was pleased with the high level of interest in my research with many delegates approaching me afterwards. I was both shocked and very grateful to be awarded the Institutes’ first prize for my research in Acrobatic Gymnastics. It was extremely exciting to receive the professional acknowledgement of my work and such a compliment too. What a way to finish off my MSc. at UCL / ISEH.”