Dr Robin Chatterjee

Areas of involvement at ISEH:

Dr Robin Chatterjee

Consultant in Musculoskeletal, Sport & Exercise Medicine

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Professional Biography

Dr Robin Chatterjee is a Consultant in Musculoskeletal, Sport & Exercise Medicine at the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health (ISEH). He has a particular interest in bone, muscle or joint pain of unknown cause.

He has trained in Sport, Exercise & Musculoskeletal medicine in various prestigious establishments such as Charing Cross Hospital, Queen Mary University of London, the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital.

Prior to his career as a specialist, Dr Chatterjee worked as a qualified GP, in emergency medicine and in anaesthetics/intensive care medicine for a number of years. He has also had the privilege of working as a front line doctor in terrorist attacks.

He has won awards for his research on low vitamin D as a cause of low back pain and his study on GPs knowledge of physical activity guidelines. He is currently on the research committee of the European College of Sports & Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP) and is a lecturer on the MSc Sport & Exercise Medicine course at Queen Mary University of London. He is also the peer elected General Secretary of the British Association of Sport & Exercise Medicine (BASEM).

Dr Chatterjee is also the Lead Sport & Exercise Medicine doctor at West Ham United Football Club academy and Sport & Exercise Medicine physician at London Broncos Rugby Football League first team, academy and scholars team. He has previous worked for Tottenham Hotspur FC, Millwall FC, St George’s NHS Foundation Trust, Ministry of Defence, Royal Ballet School, Team England Ladies Hockey team, Lawn Tennis Association, IAAF World Para-athletic and Athletic Championships, West Ham United FC, Brentford Football club, Evolution Health, Virgin London Marathon and Dextro Energy ITU Triathlon World Championship Final.


  • Any bone/joint/muscle pain of unknown cause
  • The role of nutrition/sleep/hormones in bone/joint/muscle pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Dance inuries
  • Exercise as a treatment of illnesses such as diabetes or high cholesterol
  • Bone/joint/muscle pain in the workplace setting e.g. repetitive stress injuries
  • Regenerative medicine such as Ostenil or PRP


A Cross-sectional study on mental wellbeing in the sport, leisure and fitness industry: Are the wellbeing champions well? The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society.9(2): 45- 55. March 2019

The Olympic Healthcare Legacy: A study to investigate the perceptions of relevant stakeholders to see how the 2012 Olympics have affected the health and wellbeing of children in East London by use of semi-structured interviews. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.6(2): 60-66. 2018

GPs’ knowledge, use and confidence in national physical activity and health guidelines and tools: a questionnaire-based survey of general practice in England. British Journal of General Practice. 67(663): e668-e675. October 2017

The Effect of Low Vitamin D on Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. International Musculoskeletal Medicine. 38(2): 43-50. September 2016

Everybody Active, Every Day: Two Years On: An Update on the National Physical Activity Framework. Public Health England.p1-36. PHE Publications Gateway Number: 2016629. Published February 2017

Diagnosis and management of Intersection Syndrome as a cause of wrist pain. British Medical Journal Case Reports. DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2016-216988 [published Online First: 28 September 2016]

Diagnosis and Management of Plantar Plate Tear in an Elite 400m Athlete. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research.May 2016.

Parsonage Turner Syndrome: A case study to illustrate the need for more SEM departments within the NHS. British Journal of Sports Medicine blog.January 2016

Diagnosis of Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome in the Primary Care Setting. British Journal of General Practice. 65 (637): 560-562. August 2015

Using propofol as salvage therapy to contain severe drug-induced agitation in the emergency department: a case report. European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 15(4): 242-243. August 2008

Exercise is medicine: a case study of an exercise prescription clinic in the NHS. British Journal of General Practice. 307-308. June 2019

Autonomic dysreflexia and boosting: non-pharmacological doping in disability sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine blog.August 2018

Annual London Sports & Exercise Medicine (SEM) Conference: Stand Tall, Talk Small, Play Ball. British Journal of Sports Medicine

A Lasting Legacy: Clinical Commissioning Groups and Sports Medicine. British Journal of General Practice. 64 (620): 140-141. March 2014

Elbow Pain: The 10-Minute Consultation. Co-Kinetic Journal. 73: 18-25. July 2017

Heel Pain: The 10-Minute Consultation. Co-Kinetic Journal. . 71: 21-28. January 2017

Low Back Pain: The 10-Minute Consultation. Co-Kinetic Journal. 70: 28-34. October 2016


BASEM Travelling fellowship awarded for furthering education and research into musculoskeletal pain of unknown cause and functional medicine, February 2019

BASEM External meeting sponsorship award given for attendance of Cadaveric musculoskeletal ultrasound guided injection course, October 2018

3rd most read BJGP article of 2017: Chatterjee R, Chapman T, Brannan MGT, Varney J. GPs’ knowledge, use and confidence in national physical activity and health guidelines and tools: a questionnaire-based survey of general practice in England. British Journal of General Practice. 67(663): e668-e675. October 2017

Dr Vivien Lane Foundation Scholarship for ground breaking research in low vitamin D levels as a cause of non-specific chronic low back pain, June 13 2016

AXA PPP Healthcare award given for innovative research looking at mechanisms behind the release of alkaline phosphatase from osteoblasts, Edinburgh, January 2004