Dr Amedeo Chiribiri

Areas of involvement at ISEH:

Dr Amedeo Chiribiri


Professional Biography

Dr Amedeo Chiribiri is a recognised world leading expert in cardiac imaging and cardiovascular MRI. He studied medicine in Turin/Italy and received and MD from the University of Turin in 2001 and completed specialist training in Cardiology in 2006 and a PhD in Physiology in 2010.

Between 2006 and 2007, he was visiting physician at the German Heart Institute Berlin, Germany, where he specialised in cardiovascular MRI. He works as Consultant Cardiologist at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital since March 2008. In April 2013, he took up the post as Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Imaging at King’s College London and in August 2013 he became the Lead of the Cardiovascular MRI Service at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital.

Since August 2018, Dr Chiribiri works as Associate Professor (Reader) in Cardiovascular Imaging at King’s College London.

Dr Chiribiri’s main clinical and research interest is cardiovascular imaging, with a focus on cardiovascular MRI. His areas of expertise include the assessment of cardiac structure and function and tissue characterisation using non-invasive imaging, and on the application of machine learning techniques for the acquisition and interpretation of the scans.

In particular, Dr Chiribiri has developed several techniques that enable the non-invasive assessment of myocardial blood flow (perfusion) and the non-invasive differential diagnosis of different causes of chest pain. Moreover, Dr Chiribiri is actively involved in the development and validation of novel experimental models to simulate physiological and pathophysiological processes.


  • Cardiology
  • Cardiovascular MRI