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ISEH consultants and physiotherapists are now able to provide radial-pulsed shockwave therapy to our patients. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment involves sending acoustic shockwaves through the skin to influence the affected tissue beneath.  The controlled short-duration sonic pulses produce transient pressure disturbances in the tissue and can help to kick-start healing.

Shockwave therapy takes a tissue from a more chronic to a more acute state, and in doing so provides a stimulus to a ‘stalled’ healing sequence.

Shockwave provides the following benefits:

  • mechanical stimulation
  • increased local blood flow and cellular activity
  • transient analgesic effects on afferent (conductive) nerves
  • breakdown of calcific deposits, primarily in tendons

The main body of evidence supporting this treatment covers the following conditions:

  • plantar fasciitis
  • achillies tedinopathy
  • patellar tendinopathy
  • tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • biceps tendinopathy
  • supraspinatus tendinopathy
  • trochanteric bursitis

Shockwave therapy can be an effective adjunct to a successful rehabilitation programme for these conditions, with three or fewer sessions usually required.
If you would like any further information regarding shockwave therapy or any of the clinical and diagnostic services at the ISEH, please contact us.