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Mr Nicholas Masucci, FCPodS is the Consultant Podiatrist working at ISEHWith 20 years practice experience he diagnoses and treats a wide variety of foot problems with non-surgical and surgical solutions. Some foot problems are explained below:

  • Skin and nail pathology is very common and is often a long-standing issue.Ingrowing toenails are common in teenagers and athletes and, as sufferers will say, incredibly painful! Mr Masucci carries out nail surgery under local anaesthetic to ensure this problem is taken care of for the long term.

  • Bunions/Hallux Valgus– a lump that appears at the base of a big toe at the joint. A bunion forms when the big toe leans towards the second toe and the joint of the big toe becomes prominent. The foot bone distends or sticks out and the skin on the foot may become reddened and painful.

  • Deformities of the great toe are common, including hallux valgus and rigidus.Lesser toe deformities are also well known, with hammer-toes, claw toes and retracted toes.Often these deformities can have an impact on daily activities. Both non-surgical and surgical management are considered.

  • Nerve entrapments such as Morton’s neuroma can be treated with off-loading insoles, guided injections and surgical excision.
  • Gait abnormalities and sports injuries are assessed with a treadmill and remedial insoles or custom orthotics are issued.

Mr Masucci enjoys keeping fit and uses his thorough knowledge of the body and fitness theory to inform his practice.  He has treated many athletes and knows that it is important to treat sports injuries early so as to minimise the impact on training programmes.

ISEH’s excellent radiological facilities mean that patients have excellent diagnostic facilities with x-rays, ultrasound and MRI scans - on site and leading radiologists to help interpret findings